ponedeljek, 6. september 2010

I bought a poster today, well, two in fact. To make this room more my home. One because the messages caught my eye, the other because is a peace murale, with all kinds of words, lines, forms. And I'll add mine. Whatever drops in my mind and needs to be written on a wall. Thoughts over foreign thoughts....
Again a beautiful day today, Autumn is approaching fast. Running through the calm of a late-Summer wood, where the only human being you meet just nods at you with a tired, but happy smile. Your company are squirrels and chipmunks in a feeding frenzy. I just stopped and stared at those little creatures looking back at me, observing me fearless and then, after a while, running for the next nut. A woman's figure peacefully sitting by the small yet jumpy river made me feel in tune with the surrounding air. Just breath....

Cornell Campus
When I returned home there was a nice fatty marmot in front of the house. They call them groundhogs. I stretched and then slowly she left for the bushes.

2 komentarja:

  1. La marmottona made in usa :-)
    Dalla stazza direi che mangia quello che mangiano gli abitandi umani...

  2. ojla, vidim da se imaš kar lepo. Lepa hiša, lepa okolica, super, pa še vsakdanji komentarji, ki so kot pesmica. Uživej kolikor se da, jaz pa bom še naprej brala tvoj blog.

    Čao, Lp Irena&Matjaž
