četrtek, 30. oktober 2014

Day 3

Walking from Mendrisio to Coldrerio.
I've departed so many times with you in my mind, I felt deep understanding for the author of this (quite ugly) graffiti.
And this time I wasn't late, I was just happily strolling in the Autumn chill following the sound of the Smashing Pumpkins.

sreda, 29. oktober 2014

Day 2

"jesen stiže, dunjo moja..."

Day 1

Here it goes. One picture per day, starting from yesterday (YES, I am already late!). Purpose? Just because, or perhaps that this blog has been silent for too long, too many stories had been thought, but not told. They will get their moment of glory, sooner or later.
Meanwhile, welcome to my everyday world! And my sibling's :) http://newzealandk.blogspot.it/

Dawn at home